Enter the world of Oneasaeno...

Where a pale purple sky hangs over the restless, wine-red ocean—the final prison of a murderous god.

Scattered across this dire sea lie the bodies of the former pantheon, offering refuge to the survivors of the Divine Era.

From their sacrifice, we take solace.
From their bodies, we take sustinance.
From their souls, we derive magic.
—common prayer to the dead gods

That is the way it was. But that is not the way it is now.

One hundred years into the Arcane Era, magic is no longer the sole province of the divinely blessed. Now magic can belong to anyone—provided they have the coin. What was balanced has begun to shift, and the world holds its breath to see which way the scales will fall.

Our heroes—misfits, outcasts, and dreamers—set out to define themselves in a world caught between tradition and innovation, none realizing how greatly their choices may define the world in turn.

WYD Series Two

Coming Sept. '24

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